At his mother’s funeral Mass, Fr. John Riccardo of Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church in Plymouth Michigan preached, “My Mom, along with my Dad, bore, quite honestly, more spiritual fruit for the Gospel than any bishop or priest I have ever met.” He spoke of his mother’s passion for passing on her faith in Jesus. She “poured” faith into her children, knowing “there is nothing greater for a parent than to invest in their children, and to help them be successful in the only thing that matters, which is to come to a place where you make a decision, personally, to say, ‘Jesus is my Lord too.’” Fr. Riccardo’s mother served as a prophet to her children and grandchildren.
What did Pope Francis know about then-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick’s abuse of minors? Did the pope take part in a cover-up? Why does Pope Francis remain silent? Rumors, accusations, reports of who knew what/when have been flying across social media like a junior high food fight. Many faithful Catholics shake their heads, “If Pope Francis is innocent, why won’t he speak?”
Before serving on a panel for a recent forum on the sexual abuse reports from Pennsylvania, I begged for the Holy Spirit to open my ears to hear—to understand—each person. I prayed for the Spirit to touch my tongue before uttering a word in response. I prayed as person after person approached the microphone to tell her story, to express his frustration, or to speak her mind. Hopefully, each person felt heard and respected by the community. If there has ever been a time for opened ears and touched tongues—for understanding and compassion—a time for healing, this is it. |
ReflectionsThe blog on this page presents reflections on the Sunday readings through the lens of a parent/grandparent, aiding leaders of the domestic church in their vital task as “first heralds” or “first preachers” of the Good News in the home. Archives
December 2021