On a glorious April afternoon, she rounded the corner of the garage with a bounce in her step. Though she didn’t speak, she practically shook with joy as she held out the single flower from the rhododendron bush for all to admire. Her smile, wide and appreciative, exhibited her excitement over this smallest of gifts. At eighty-five years of age, Mom’s heart overflowed with child-like emotion from years of dementia. In this “diminished” state, she often saw what others took for granted. Not only flowers, but cloud formations, birds, and babies. She could often “see” the important realities of life.
ReflectionsThe blog on this page presents reflections on the Sunday readings through the lens of a parent/grandparent, aiding leaders of the domestic church in their vital task as “first heralds” or “first preachers” of the Good News in the home. Archives
December 2021